Some donor restrictions may apply. Relevant privacy legislation applies. University policy on archives applies.
Some donor restrictions may apply. Relevant privacy legislation applies. University policy on archives applies.
Minor conservation performed on series.
.10 m of textual records
Series comprises documenting the Aboriginal issues with relation to Algoma University College, post-secondary education, and Dr. Guth's own writing.
.3 cm of textual records
.3 cm of textual records
.2 cm of textual records
.3 cm of textual records
.2 cm of textual records
.3 cm of textual records
.2 cm of textual records
.1 cm of textual records
.3 cm of textual records
1.5 cm of textual records
1.5 cm of textual records
.2 cm of textual records
.1 cm of textual records
1.5 cm of textual records
.1 cm of textual records
1 cm of textual records
.3 cm of textual records
.3 cm of textual records
.4 cm of textual records
.1 cm of textual records
.1 cm of textual records
.1 cm of textual records
.3 cm of textual records
.1 cm of textual records
.1 cm of textual records