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» Jesuits in English Canada collection

Jesuits in English Canada collection

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Start Date: 
End Date: 
Date Range: 
1920-1965 ; predominately 1942-1965
Physical Description: 

573 GB of textual record and graphic material.

By item type, Jesuit archive arrangment kept within item type.
Scope Content: 

Collection comprises records from the Jesuits of English Canada in relation to their administration of the Residential Schools in Spanish, Ontario.  Collection includes photographs, newsletters, reports, correspondence, and additional administrative records.

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Custodial History: 

SRSC holds digital copies of these records only.  The originals are maintained by the Jesuits of English Speaking Canada.

Location Original: 

The Archive of the Jesuits in Canada
25 Jarry Street West
Montreal, Quebec
H2P 1S6 Canada

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