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» Bunbury, Walter Shirley Gibson (1873-1938)

Bunbury, Walter Shirley Gibson (1873-1938)

(7 October 1873 - 12 January 1938)- Deacon: 1904, Priest: 1906 Southwell, England; Educated at St. Catharine's College, Cambridge (1904) BA; Assistant Curate Sherbrooke (1907-1909); Quebec Cathedral (1909-1913); St. Luke's Pro-Cathedral, Sault Ste. Marie (1914-1921); St. Anne's, Richmond, Quebec (1913-1914), (1921-1925); La Tuque, Quebec; Curate of Heamor, Derbyshire, England (1904-1907); Business manager of the Algoma Missionary News, 1917-1920 .

Authority source: 

Biographical Index: Clergy, Students, Lay Readers & Catechists, 1830-1940 \ Alan Knight

Name Sub-category: 
Algoma Clergy

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