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» Swainson, William Thomas (1883-1952)

Swainson, William Thomas (1883-1952)

(17 October 1883 Wells, Somerset, England - 14 April 1952) Deacon: 1918, Priest: 1919 Algoma; Lay Reader at St. John's, New Liskeard; Missionary at Englehart (1918-1919); SPG Missionary at Gore Bay (1919-1929); Rosseau (1929-1952); Canon (1949); Medical studies at Queen's University, Kingston, for three years. Married Rachel Helena Clark, nurse of Helmsley, Yorkshire. Children: Millicent and Robert.

Authority source: 

Biographical Index: Clergy, Students, Lay Readers & Catechists, 1830-1940 \ Alan Knight

Name Sub-category: 
Algoma Clergy

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