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» Hatch, Edwin (1835-1889)

Hatch, Edwin (1835-1889)

Professor of Classics, Trinity College, Toronto (1859-1862); Rector of High School, Quebec City (1863); Wrote hymn: "Breathe on Me Breath of God" in 1878; Accompanied Bishop Strachan on his visit to Sault Ste.
Marie in July of 1861. "Until almost the close of the century the administrators and divinity faculties of church colleges were conservative in their attitude toward the Bible. The one exception was the Reverend Edwin Hatch who represented the broad or critical school of thought on the staff of Trinity in the early 1860's but who soon returned to England". D.C. Masters, "Patterns of Thought in Anglican Colleges in the Nineteenth Century", JCCHS, 6, Dec. 1964, p. 64. "[Bishop] Strachan in his episcopal charges of 1863 and 1866 denounced 'the infidel attack of the Essays and Reviews and the infatuated course of Dr. Colenso ... whose
deplorable proceedings and conduct appear beyond all reclamation'. He was strongly supported by a resolution of the clergy of the diocese of Toronto in 1863".

Authority source: 

Biographical Index: Clergy, Students, Lay Readers & Catechists, 1830-1940 \ Alan Knight

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Algoma Clergy

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