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» Bull, Percy Francis

Bull, Percy Francis

(died January 1940 from blood poisoning); member of the British Israelites; English Church Army; catechist in Algoma (1908-1911); Deacon: 1911, Priest: 1912 Algoma; Sprucedale (1908); Magnetawan (Oct. 1909-Oct. 1912) under the supervision of W.A.J. Burt, Rural Dean; Nipigon (1912-1919); St. John the Evangelist, Sault Ste. Marie (1919-1923); Church of the Epiphany, Sudbury (1923-1940).

Authority source: 

Biographical Index: Clergy, Students, Lay Readers & Catechists, 1830-1940 \ Alan Knight

Name Sub-category: 
Algoma Clergy

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