(1783 Ireland - 1840) Ensign 68th Regiment
13 Feb. 1806; Captain 21 Sept. 1808; Service in the Peninsular
War; Half pay Lieutenant 18 June 1820; studied theology under
B.B. Stevens, Chaplain of the Forces at Montreal; Assistant Curate at Quebec Cathedral 1823; Deacon: 1823, Priest: 1824 Quebec; Particularly active in organizing Sunday Schools; Assistant to Archdeacon Mountain of Quebec; to York July 1824 to assist Archdeacon Strachan during his visit to England. Succeeded Charles James Stewart (later Bishop) as visiting missionary in the Diocese of Quebec; SPG Missionary on the shores of Lake Huron based at Coldwater June 1830 - travelling missionary; SPG Missionary at Cornwal (1830-1840) - appointed Rector of Cornwall; Married Charlotte Maria Jones in Christ Church, Montreal in June, 1834; Died 14 October 1840.
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