No restrictions on access. Researchers must sign an “Access and Use form”. Privacy legislation applies to access requests. For access, please contact the Library Director, Arthur A. Wishart Library for more information. Permission of the donor is required for reproduction. Archives staff must make reproductions. Reproductions are dependent on the fragility of the originals. Researchers must adhere to applicable copyright law and privacy legislation and permission of the copyright holder is required to publish from the fonds. Contact the Library Director, Arthur A. Wishart Library for more information.
80 Front Street East #605 Toronto, ON M5E 1T4
#605 80 Front Street East Toronto, ON M5E 1T4 416-777-1607
.65m of multiple media. 1 video cassette : VHS 1 DVD-R (120 min.) : 1x-16x ; 4.7GB 6 promotional pieces : b&w and col.
Accession comprises records documenting the activities of Brian Vallée while working on the book, "Life with Billy", "Life after Billy" and "Life and Death with Billy", as well as television documentaries for the fifth estate and the docu-drama "Life with Billy," which was produced by Michael Donovan's Salter Street Films and first aired on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Includes: drafts, screenplays, various hardcover and paperback editions, research notes, correspondence, media clippings, and other materials.
2010-153 / 001-004 OS