P2006.28.1 : sepia'd postcard 13.8 x 8.8, St. Paul's, Fort William exterior + clergy picture ?
P2006.28.2 : B&W postcard 14.0 x 8.8, St. Paul's Church, interior, Rev. H.G. King, Rector, Rev. R.C. Bartels, Asst., signatures of clergy
P2006.28.3 : B&W postcard 13.8 x 8.4, New Year greetings from rectory to Rt. Rev. Lord Bishop of Algoma, photo Chancel of St. Paul's, Xmas 1910
P2006.28.4 : commemorative booklet 36 pages + cover, 17.5 x 25.3, St. Paul's Anglican Church 1908 - 1958, cover - photo of altar; page 1 exterior of church; page 2 list of committees; page 4 Archbishop Wright photo; page 5 text; page 6 Archdeacon Hinchcliffe - rector (photo); page 7 text; page 8 Chancellor Fred Babe (photo); page 9 text; page 10 photos St. Paul's Church 1912/St. Paul's Church, 1958; page 11 photo - laying the cornerstone, 1907; page 12 photos - Bishop of Algoma, Thorneloe, Smith, Kingston, Wright; page 13 photos - rectors, Rev. Harold King, Rev. Pierce Goulding, Rev. Wm Trickett, Rev. Canon H.A. Sims; page 14 rectors photos continued, Rev. Thomas Lloyd, Archdeacon C.W. Balfour, Rev. W. Bruce Jennings, Archdeacon WW Jarvi; page 15 photos of curates, Rev. R.C. Bartells, Rev. M.L. Goodman, Rev. R.B. Wright, Rev. Peter Park; page 16 History of Fort William; page 17 founding meeting of St. Paul's - minutes; page 19 first baby baptized - greetings, first bride - greetings & wedding photo; page 20 first confirmation list; page 21 photo of full interior, photo of chancel; page 22 church memorials, photos - War Memorial Window - illuminated book of remembrance; page 23 list of memorials; page 24 list of wardens; page 25 - 31 writeups, the choir, organ, chimes, altar guild, W.A., lay readers, server's guild, Sunday School, Men's Club, AYPA, Scouts; page 35 photo baptismal font and window
P2006.28.5 : sepia'd photo 8.8 x 12.5, Rev. D.A.P. Smith, Canon, St. Paul's, Thunder Bay, September 1983