0.1 cm of graphic materials
P2006.13.1 : B&W photo 6.9 x 8.8, Residence of M/M Joseph Simmons, New Colden?, Mrs. Simmons & the incumbent
P2006.13.2 : sepia'd postcard 11.5 x 6.1, cut down, partial removal of text, clergyman (younger) from 2006.13.1, native congregation - wooden building, Little Current, Ont. November 23rd, 1908, "3rd Bishop?, Yours of the 21st is at hand, ? and to take any ? til we know more about him ? -ity as teacher today, on the other side is a fairly..."
P2006.13.3 : B&W photo, "Sucker Creek Church now in disuse" (bricks or blocks)