Berman, Gillian
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Audience: Undergraduate. -- Dissertation: Thesis (B. A.). -- Algoma University, 2009. -- Submitted in partial fulfillment of course requirements for PSYC 4105. -- Includes references, questionnaire and figures. -- Contents: Thesis.
(i.e., fast or slow beat). Research has shown that, depending on type of music and context, tempo can either elevate or depress both mood and performance. Perhaps there is an optimal tempo for enhancing performance and enjoyment of video games. Seventy-five participants played the video game Tetris while listening to either slow-, medium-, or fast-tempo music. Fast-tempo produced better performance scores (p = 0.033) and faster speed of play (p = 0.048), but did not affect enjoyment. Players rated the fast-tempo music as more exciting, suggesting that faster music stimulates the player causing them to play more quickly, allowing for more opportunities to score points. Optimal tempo manipulations could not only be used to enhance videogames, but also to enhance workplace productivity, especially in cases where speed and performance are paramount.