Mathewson, Carrie
1.07 MB of textual records (PDF)
Audience: Undergraduate. -- Dissertation: Thesis (B. A.). -- Algoma University, 1999. -- Submitted in partial fulfillment of course requirements for PSYC 4105. -- Includes tables. -- Contents: Literature review / Thesis.
This experiment was designed to test whether colour affects a persons ability to recall textual information. Approximately 186 elementary school students, ages 8-9, were randomly assigned to one of six groups. Students read a short story on a coloured background (white, grey, red, blue, yellow, a multi-colour red, yellow and blue). They were given a number of written questions about the story. Students given solid colours were significantly better at recall then those with no colour. When comparing multi-colours to solid colours those with the multi-colours performed significantly worse in recall. Therefore colour does affect a persons ability to recall textual information.