Krotkiewicz, Lech Luke
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Audience: Undergraduate. -- Dissertation: Thesis (B. A.). -- Algoma University, 1994. -- Submitted in partial fulfillment of course requirements for PSYC 4105. -- Includes figures and tables. -- Contents: Literature review / Thesis.
Modern research on smoking limits itself mainly to pharmacological studies of the effects of nicotine on smokers' behavior and health. this study explores the psychological factors that may play an important role in smoking behavior. Anxiety was proposed as a psychological factor in smoking behavior. The anxiety levels in smokers have been assessed in relation to anticipation and not anticipation of smoking. Fifty three subjects from the Introductory Psychology course, assigned to two control and two experimental groups, were tested for the anxiety state. The spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory was administered to all subjects. Results of the study supported the hypothesis that anticipation of smoking lowered anxiety and non anticipation of smoking led to higher anxiety in smokers. Anxiety management training has been proposed for smokers undergoing cessation from the smoking habit.