May be restrictions on access and use based on the terms of the Deposit Agreement, the Diocese's Policy on Privacy and Archives. Subject to all applicable privacy legislation.
Synod Office P. O. Box 1168 Sault St. Marie Ontario P6A 5N7
.25 m multiple media 116 photographs : b&w. 3 photographs : col. 3 prints : b&w.
Comprises records documenting activities at St. John the Divine Anglican Church (Copper Cliff, Ont.). Includes service register, Chancel/Altar Guild minutes and correspondence, Building Committee minutes and correspondence, St. John the Divine Guild minutes and correspondence, financial and property correspondence between the parish and Synod, a photo album of St. John's Choir Camp at Whitefish Falls, Ont. (1947-1954), photographs of St. John's and some of its ministers and some information on the Deanery of Sudbury.