Lloyd, Brenda J
Previous research has examined how reading an erotic story influences men's and women's Loving and Liking (Rubin, 1970) responses for their partners; men appear to be influenced by reading erotic material whereas women do not. This study compared the effect or erotic and romantic reading materials on men's and women's relationship beliefs. It also examined the differences between female readers and non-readers of romantic fiction. Reading different stories did not affect relationship beliefs either both men and women. Furthermore, no differences were found between readers and non-readers. Results will be discussed in terms of gender differences and reader differences.
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Audience: Undergraduate. -- Dissertation: Thesis (B. A.). -- Algoma University, 1998. -- Submitted in partial fulfillment of course requirements for PSYC 4105. -- Includes tables and questionnaires. -- Contents: Literature review / Thesis.