Dale, Brian
This report provides a description of the design and implementation of a recurrent spatial knowledge base. The project aims to implement a flexible and efficient knowledge base from which large quantities of spatial temporal knowledge can be retrieved. The three components of the knowledge base are the function base, database and the procedure base. The database model that was chosen was the NF 2 model. The database was implemented by programming a subset of typical relational database functions to operate on a database which is stored as a tree using the DOS hierarchical directory structure. The function base is a library of routines designed to process a users request for variables which require extra processing. The knowledge base is part of a system in which user queries are preprocessed and subsequently passed to the knowledge base management system which retrieves the knowledge from either the database or the function base. The retrieved knowledge can then be passed to any of a set of procedures contained within the procedure base where further semantic processing can be performed.
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Audience: Undergraduate. -- Dissertation: Thesis (B. A.) -- Algoma University, 1994. -- Submitted in partial fulfillment of course requirements for COSC 4235. -- Includes figures and tables. -- Contents: Thesis.